Sample Study Information Sheet

Kalamazoo College
Study Information and Consent Form

Insert your study details where it is red

[Your Study Title Here]

Purpose: Describe the purpose of your study in a few sentences.

The survey is being conducted by [Name], a student at Kalamazoo College and supervised by [Advisor/Supervisor’s Name].

You are invited to participate in a survey about [insert brief description], but your responses will be anonymous and kept confidential.

The survey should take about [insert estimate of time] of your time to complete. Your participation is completely voluntary and you may drop out of the study at any time.

[For online surveys:] If you would like to participate, then please minimize other distractions (for example, close other browser windows), and click on the “Next” button at the bottom of this page.

Risks and Benefits:
List any risks or benefits. For instance: There are no known risks or discomforts expected as a result of your participation in this study.

Participation: Your participant in this study is voluntary. You are free to withdraw your consent to participate in this study at any time. Refusal to participate or withdrawal will involve no penalty to you.

If you have any questions about your participation in this research, you may contact: [Name and email/contact info] or [Name and email of your Advisor].

Agreement to Participate (online): By clicking button ‘Next’ below, you agree to having read the above information, having had the opportunity ask any questions about this study, you at least 18 years old, and agree to participate in this study.

Agreement to Participate (in-person): By giving your verbal agreement, you agree to having read the above information, having had the opportunity ask any questions about this study, you at least 18 years old, and agree to participate in this study.