Step 7 – Checklist

Go through the IRB Checklist one more time:

Step 8

  • Completed ethics training.
  • All questions in the application have been answered completely using complete sentences when necessary.
  • A complete Consent Form specific to your research proposal is part of your application form/document.
  • A complete Assent Form specific to your research proposal is part of your application form/document if your research will involve minors.
  • Copies of types of questions to be used with human subjects are part of your application document (e.g. copies of questions to be used in interviews, on surveys, on tests, etc…the “written instruments”). Note that any significant changes in written instruments must obtain approval from IRB.
  • A copy of any study participant recruiting materials is part of your application document, if applicable (e.g. posters that might be displayed on campus to recruit volunteers, etc.).
  • Made one document for the application, consent/assent forms and research instrument.
  • Saved application using last name and department.
  • Sent to faculty supervisor (if you are a student) for their approval